Low Cost Spay and Neuter information
Spay Neuter Information
Box 686 Chesapeake City, MD 21915 To place an order by mail, send your request along with
a money order (SNAP does not accept checks) and a self addressed STAMPED envelope to the above address. To place a credit card order include
the following information. Credit card number (including three digit number noted on the signature line of your card).
Expiration date. Your name, address and telephone number. Specify type of certificate(s) your are requesting.
There is a $3.00 handling fee for each certificate. You will receive your SNAP certificate(s) along with your credit
card receipt and list of participating veterinary hospitals Or call (302) 838-6996 Tues. through Fri. @10am to 3pm. Certificates expire 6 months from month of issue - there is a $5.00 charge for returns
or exchanges. There are no refunds on expired certificates. NOTE: Our phone service is available
Tues. through Fri. @10am to 3pm by calling (302) 838-6996 SNAP does NOT have a website. SNAP does NOT have a website and is NOT affiliated with any other organization.
Cat - $45.00; Female Cat - $60.00 Male Dog - $60.00
YOUR PARTICIPATING HOSPITAL SNAP does not accept checks - money order or credit card orders only.
Dog Training, Kennels, Vets and Grooming
Animal Hospital At Southgate338 Hospital DriveGlen
Burnie, MD. 21061410-768-3396(please let them know we sent you!)
Everhart Animal Hospital4005 Ritchie Hwy.Baltimore, MD. 410-355-5574
Alexander Animal Hospital160 Ritchie
HWY.Suite A9Severna Park, MD. 21146410-777-8678Eric Alexander, DVM(please
let them know we sent you!)
Arrowwood Shepherds, Inc.(training)
Sit Means Sit Dog Training Michael Nease, Owner/Trainer
Aimee's Bark Avenue-mobile dog grooming
Canine Station-Pet Services & Products (doggie daycare, grooming, portrait photos, apparel, jewelry, supplies and accessories)
Jen's Gentle Pet Sitters
Country Critters Kennel (and training)
Lucky Stars Country Kennels (and training)
Dr. Lisa Beagan, DVM-Mobile Pet Vet
Related Topics
Sherry True, Animal Comunicator, Spiritpaws.com
Pet Tag Creations-a unique design just like your pet!
Fast Dogs-specializing in Martingale Collars leashes & accessories for your pet
Aunt Kitchen's Homemade Dog Biscuits...and human goodies too!
Specialty Vet Services Chesapeake Veterinary Emergency
Center, 808 Bestgate Rd., Annapolis, MD. 21401, 410-224-0331 Chesapeake Veterinary Referral Center, 808 Bestgate Rd., Annapolis, MD. 21401,
410-224-0121 (Surgery, Eye Care, Cardiology, Dental, Internal Medicine
Lost Pet Help
Pure Gold Pet Trackers
PetAmberAlert.com #1 National Lost Pet Recovery System
Findtoto.com-when your pet is missing they will make calls for you
LJT Training and Tracking-Laura Totis
Have You Seen This Pet Lost and Found listings
Fido Finder
Shelters and other Rescues
Anne Arundel County Animal Control
Ann Arundel County SPCA
Island Dog Inc-providing animal welfare in the United States Caribbean Islands
Dachsund Rescue fo North America, Inc
Cool Cats Rescue & Adoptions
New Spirit 4 Aussie Rescue-serving Australian Shepherds and Aussie mixes
FRISKY'WILDLIFE &PRIMATE SANCTUARY, Inc...gives a Second Chance at life. A Private Wildlife Sanctuary, State Licensed Rehabilitator,
Non-Profit Organization
For Those Sad Times
West Arundel Crematory Pet Cremations, Pet Urn & Memorials, Individualized Cremations
A Paw Print In Heaven-Pet Cremation Service
Dr. Lisa Beagan, DVM-Mobile Pet Vet
Agape Pet Services-Large Selection Of Pet Urns
Gold Canyon Candles (the best candles ever!)-Kathy Powers
Kanda Studios-Capturing Moments And Making Memories (pets welcome)
Training and
Walking Supplies
Professional Training Equipment For Your Dog
Stunning designer handmade, durable dog harnesses
Wide range of dog muzzles for small, medium, large and extra large breeds